Out of the box, I was blow away by how good the base settings were. You do not need to change a thing. Just add some lube and you're good to go.
The 12 UI Freeplay has a nice "crunchy" feel, turns effortlessly, has sublime corner cutting, and telepathically snaps to perfectly alignment.
Coming from the 356 i3, there is no comparison. The i3 is super slow even on its fastest settings. In comparison to the 12 UI, the i3 feels like a toy!
The 12 UI Freeplay is even superior to the Gan 13M in my opinion.
In my opinion, the Cubestation app is not great. I exclusively use my 12 UI Freeplay with Cubeast and couldn't be happier!
It goes without saying that the price is bonkers for this thing, but honestly I don't think you can buy a better smart cube.