The GAN Cube you won’t buy | Swift Block 355S

The GAN Cube you won’t buy | Swift Block 355S

Jeremy Sheng Jeremy Sheng
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Swift Block is a brand new sub-brand of GAN, which doesn't make a whole lot of sense considering Monster Go, another sub-brand of GAN, was created just a few years ago and targets the same demographic of newer cubers. So what's so special about the Swift Block 355S? And is it any good?


The cube features exposed magnet capsules on the edges reminiscent of GAN's older releases, which are aesthetically nice but have no functional purpose.

As indicated by its name, the cube is 55 millimeters across which could be useful for one-handed solving.

Swift Block, or GAN, chose to include a dual adjustment system with 5 spring compression settings - however, the final version is supposed to have 11 settings. It can be adjusted by hand without a tool, which is convenient but can also be uncomfortable at times - when the cube is set on a low setting, it can be difficult to get a good grip on the adjustment ring.

The five settings of the dual adjustment system do offer significant changes in the cube's feel and facilitate for a wide range of customization preferences. 

Build Quality

The 355S is a very solid cube and can definitely handle aggressive turning. The corners don't twist easily and the center caps fit snugly, making it difficult for them to accidentally fall out, even when the cube is dropped. Additionally, the color scheme is really nice and has good contrast, making piece recognition easy. 

Part of what makes the 355S feel so durable is its weight. At 85 grams, the cube is a little bit heavier than many cubes from other brands, which makes it feel more solid compared to lighter cubes that feel like they can easily break.


As far as accessories go, there's not much to talk about. There are no accessories or pamphlets included, and the packaging is a unique minimalistic paper box. Although basic, the minimalist style of the 355S can be thought of as a relief from all the complexities of recent releases.

Cube Feel

Turning the Swift Block 355S is pretty satisfying, as it has a smooth and buttery feel after being set up with a lubricant like Martian. Additionally, the sound dampens significantly with setup and while the 355S isn't the most quiet cube, it's definitely more on the quieter side.

The 355S reacts very well with Cosmic Lube and changes drastically compared to its dry, sandy feel out of the box.

Recommended Settings

"After testing, I determined that the third compression setting was the best compromise between speed, stability, and corner cutting."

Cameron Brown


Despite the improvements after setup, it's important to note that the Swift Block 355S is fairly poor out of the box. It's overwhelmingly fast, especially for newer cubers, and it can lock up and pop somewhat frequently. Corner cutting is also a little bit worse than other cubes of the same price level, but it's not a major problem with reasonably accurate turning.


At just under $13, the Swift Block 355S has fair value and blends in with other cubes in the same price range.

"I do love that GAN opted for just one version and did not offer a variety of versions with differing levels of customization. This singular version serves its intended purpose and is just fine in my opinion."

Cameron Brown

Overall, the cube earned a cube score of 34 out of 65, which is pretty much what's to be expected from something in this price range.

"I think this is a nice option for those who prefer a blocky, sturdy, smooth turning feel and turning accuracy isn't an issue. I don't think that the 355S will be something that is universally loved like the RS3 M 2020."

Cameron Brown

Swift Block 355S 3x3 (Magnetic)

Swift Block 355S 3x3 (Magnetic)


Swift Block 355S 3x3 Magnetic by GAN Cube is a speed cube designed to provide as much performance as possible at an extremely economical price point. Key features Dual-adjustment system (5 settings) Compact 55mm size Overview Scratchy, clacky turning feel Snappy… >> SHOP PRODUCT <<

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