In order to become a speedcuber, you'll need to buy a speedcube. But which one should you get?
It's hard to know where to start, what brand is best, and how much you should spend. Don't fret! This handy Speed Cubes Buyers Guide will show you everything you need to know about buying your first speedcube so that you can solve puzzles at lightning speeds in no time. From understanding what makes a good cube, to making the right purchase decision for your budget, read on for a buyer's guide to choosing the best speed cubes.
The best place to start is by identifying your budget.
Very few people enjoy wasting time and money which is why I rarely recommend budget cubes (sub $10 USD).
Now don't get me wrong, budget cubes have their purpose but I always refer to the old saying "You get what you pay for."
Budget cubes are able to be sold at a lower price because the manufacturer uses cheaper materials and often pumps out the production in mass-quantity which contributes to poorly placed stickers, uneven tensions, exterior scratches and defects, bent screws, squeaky springs, and an overall less advanced design.
The lifespan of budget cubes is also unpredictable. They can last for hours, days, weeks, months, or years -- it is a complete gamble.
Of course we stand behind our products with our awesome return policy but if your budget allows, stepping up to a cube in the $20 is a going to save you a lot of potential headache and you get to enjoy a better speed cube!
Plastic color
If you aren't already familiar with the different plastic colors, read this article first.
Most speed cubes are available in either Stickerless or Black plastic but you can filter your search results by plastic color from our collection pages.
Remember, plastic color is completely a preference thing -- there is no right or wrong choice!
I usually recommend magnetic speed cubes to any skill level because they are so much better than non-magnetic speed cubes.
A common situation that we see is a customer deciding whether to get a magnetic budget cube or a non-magnetic mid-grade or high-grade speed cube.
My recommendation mostly depends on how quickly you want to upgrade to your next speed cube.
A magnetic budget cube will be great in the short-term but a mid or high-grade non-magnetic speed cube will handle rough turning better and usually still out-performs the magnetic budget cube.
If you have some extra room in your budget, consider upgrading to one of our Premium versions. To learn more, you can refer to the product page or read this article.
Nowadays, most brands and manufacturers create high quality products in all sorts of price ranges. Some of these brands are known for their budget-oriented lines, such as MoFang Jiaoshi, a sub-brand of MoYu that are known for producing high value for money products, whilst others are companies such as GAN create extreme high-end products that a number of world class speed cubers endorse - with a high-end pricetag to match.
If you are looking for the "best" brands, the most popular that we carry currently are GAN, MoYu, QiYi, and YJ.
That's our speed cube buyer's guide. Still unsure? Feel free to contact our fast and friendly support and we can help point you in the right direction!
Ready to give it a go? Shop our selection of speed cubes by clicking here
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